How to Meditate with Healing Crystals and the Asha Crystal Mask

Learn how to meditate using healing crystals that align with your chakras.


Science suggests that meditation has a range of benefits, from increasing creativity to reducing anxiety and stress. Some research even links mediation to a lower risk of heart disease. So, there’s good reason for tuning out the outside world and focusing in on your body, breath, and mind. 

One thing you can do to maximize the benefits of meditation is by incorporating healing crystals into your practice. Crystals — simply gems that come from the earth — have been used for healing purposes for centuries, dating back to ancient Rome and Greece. Often, people use crystals during meditation to align with certain chakras. The term “chakra” originates from India and translates to “wheel.” It refers to the energy centers along the body that should be in a constant spin—when one chakra is out of alignment it can lead to a blockage. That’s where crystals come in, helping to clear out blockages and get energy flowing freely throughout your body and mind.

The Asha Crystal Mask is meant to do just that for you—align with certain chakras to bring you peace of mind and positive energy. Wear it for your morning meditation practice or your before-bed mindfulness session.

How to Meditate with the Asha Crystal Mask and Why You Should


The adjustable, gold-chained Asha Crystal Mask comfortably lies on top of the head, where the aqua chalcedony crystal sits on the crown chakra. This chakra corresponds to the brain and nervous system and is linked to our spirituality. Placing the aqua chalcedony crystal at the crown brings energy to fight off negativity and helps you connect with your purpose. 

At the third eye chakra, between the brows, the mask features a rose chalcedony crystal. Placing this gem at the third eye supports intuition, inner peace, and self-growth.  

Finally, at the bottom of the mask hang two blue lace agate healing crystals meant to bring you peace and tranquility, while washing away anger or stress. These crystals point downward to send the calming vibes to the rest of the body, too.

Focusing on the benefits of these healing crystals as you listen to a guided mindfulness session or take time to simply focus on your inhales and exhales can maximize the soothing benefits of your practice. The moon-charged crystals will ground you and help you feel at ease. Plus, if you have a specific goal in mind, like getting in touch with your intuition or soothing stress, the healing crystals can bring the energy you need to get there.

Other Ways to Use Healing Crystals 


You can use crystals during any meditation session, holding them in your hands, wearing them on your wrist or neck, or placing them around the body as you lay or sit for your mindfulness practice. 

Another option for influencing the energy around you via crystals is to place them in frequently visited spaces, like on your desk or by your bed. Choose those that perk you up and bring your focus for work and go for those that wind you down before you sleep.   

No matter how you use your crystals the key is believing in their ability to set the energy around you and paying attention to their healing benefits. That’s how you’ll find the magic.

Why not maximize the benefits of your meditation by incorporating our healing crystals into your practice? Or perhaps you’re just after wearing them and having crystal energy with you wherever you go. If so, the take a look at our crystals collection.


A Reiki Practitioner’s Unofficial, Official Guide to Choosing Crystals